
The Latest News at Upper Bluffs Dental

29Jul, 2016

Knocked Out or Broken Teeth

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If permanent teeth are knocked out, there is an excellent chance that they will survive if they are immediately placed back in the tooth socket and dental health advice is sought straight away. Every minute the tooth is out of the socket, the less chance it has of surviving. Adult tooth knocked out – what should I do? 1 2 3 4   If the knocked out tooth is dirty, gently rinse it with milk without touching the root and follow the steps below. Do not scrub. Stay calm and act quickly. Locate the tooth […]

22Jul, 2016

Baby’s First Trip to the Dentist

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The following video is a great explanation on one of the more common questions we get, regarding when and why it is important to first start taking your baby or young infant to visit the dentist.  

13Jul, 2016

Dental Implants and The Dry Mouth Patient

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Modern dental restorative techniques have evolved rapidly, in particular since the development and implementation of the modern oral implant systems. The need for implants among the general population has been clearly demonstrated and importantly, implants have been particularly useful in the patient with specific needs not generally amenable to standard or traditional dental restorative techniques. Indeed, the oral and systemic health consequences as well as the psychological ramifications of individuals in need of such treatment can be severe. In most instances, traditional fixed or removable dental appliances or prostheses can […]

5Jul, 2016

Understanding and Eliminating Bad Breath

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Ask Your Dental Hygienist About Eliminating Bad Breath Do you ever worry that you’re the only one in the room with bad breath? Well, guess again. Nearly 40,000,000 Americans commonly suffer from bad breath, also known as oral malodor or halitosis. Yet, it is a curable condition that is generally caused by strong foods such as onions or garlic; poor oral health habits; or medical problems such as stomach disorders, an excessive postnasal drip, or bacteria in the mouth. Once you discover the source of the problem, there are a […]

30Jun, 2016

Wisdom Teeth

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With age comes wisdom. Specifically, wisdom teeth. Your mouth goes through many changes in your lifetime. One major dental milestone that usually takes place between the ages of 17 and 21 is the appearance of your third molars. Historically, these teeth have been called wisdom teeth because they come through at a more mature age. When they come through correctly, healthy wisdom teeth can help you chew. It’s normal to feel a little discomfort when your wisdom teeth appear, but if you have pain, see your dentist immediately. Room to […]

24Jun, 2016

Oral Cancer

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Oral cancer is a disease resulting from abnormal cell growth in the mouth, lips, tongue or throat. In 2003, an estimated 3,100 new cases of oral cancers were identified in Canada, and about 1,090 deaths occurred as a result of the disease. People over the age of 45 are most at risk. The good news is that oral cancer can be treated successfully if caught early enough. Your dentist has the expert skill and training to detect early signs of the disease and can help you to understand your risks. […]

21Jun, 2016

Children’s Teeth Cycle

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Even before your baby was born, little tooth buds were developing under his gums. So when do baby teeth start to appear? Rest assured that this is a rough guideline. It’s perfectly normal for a baby to show his first tooth as early as three months, or as late as his first birthday. A few babies are even born with a tooth. It takes between two years and three years for a full set of gleaming teeth to appear. This chart tells you when baby teeth come in (or erupt) […]

15Jun, 2016

Caring For Your Teeth With Diabetes

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With very few exceptions, people with diabetes can be treated by dentists the same way as those without diabetes. Your teeth may be cleaned by removing all deposits formed in between teeth as well as under the gum line. If this is uncomfortable, ask your dentist for “freezing”. Your dentist should do everything he or she can to eliminate pain during treatment. If you take insulin, your dentist should be told. The dental staff can then confirm with you that you took your usual insulin dosage and will ask you […]

8Jun, 2016

Proper Brushing and Flossing

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Along with a regular dental exam, brushing and flossing are the most important things you can do for your dental health. Brush your teeth at least twice a day. Regular and thorough brushing removes the plaque that causes gum disease and decay. Brushing your teeth isn’t complicated, but there is a right way to do it. How to Brush Step 1 Use a soft brush with rounded bristles. Choose a size and shape that allow you to reach all the way to your back teeth. Replace your toothbrush every three […]

6Jun, 2016

What Is A Dental Emergency?

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Injuries to the mouth may include teeth that are knocked out (avulsed), forced out of position and loosened (extruded) or fractured. In addition, lips, gums or cheeks are often cut. Oral injuries are often painful and should be treated by a dentist as soon as possible. How soon should I see a dentist? Immediately. Getting to a dentist within 30 minutes can make the difference between saving or losing a tooth. What should I do when a tooth is knocked out? Immediately call your dentist for an emergency appointment. Handle […]

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