Regular oral examinations and professional cleanings can help you have healthy teeth and gums for a lifetime. In addition to routinely brushing and flossing at home, it is recommended that you visit the dentist every six months for a preventative hygiene appointment. For children, care can begin as early as one year old. Let us help you achieve the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted and keep your oral health excellent for years to come.
What to Expect
When you visit Upper Bluffs Dental for an exam and cleaning you will first meet with a dental hygienist. A full examination will take place and X-rays may be taken, depending on the time of your last visit. The hygienist will thoroughly clean your teeth of plaque and point out any problem areas so that you may adjust your at-home regimen. You will then meet with the dentist who will go over the results of your exam and X-rays with you.
In addition to standard oral exams and cleanings, we also offer other preventative options such as fluoride treatments, non-surgical gum therapy, professional breath treatments, and protective mouth wear.
Why Choose Us
With over 50 years of combined experience, you can trust your oral health to Upper Bluffs Dental. Our thorough cleanings and comprehensive examinations will keep your smile looking its best while greatly reducing the need for costlier dental work in the future.
Contact us today 416-269-7332 to book a consultation.